Ignacio Peralta2018-03-09T08:05:49+01:00

“Your problems are our problems. Now we have the chance to put all our experience at your service.”

Telecommunications´ Engineer by Universidad Politécnica of Madrid and MBA by Instituto Internacional San Telmo of Sevilla, Ignacio has spent this last 20 years helping develop changes in other companies. During the past 12 years, he has lived 8 cooperative processes -4 in the telecommunications sector and 4 in the financial one-, leading the technological and operational inclusion of two of these, first he fussed El Monte and Caja San Fernando to create Cajasol afterwards, he has lead the absorption of this last one by Caja de Guadalajara.

Leading such projects as the creation of operation units, launching purchasing plans, productivity studies, streamlinning branch offices, outsourcing processes, operative download and commercial systematic, he has played an essential role in restructuring offices and Headquarters.

With a vast experience in project management, he had lead the creation of big corporative nets such as the ones from Generalitat of Cataluña, la Junta of Andalucía and Junta of Extremadura. During his career path, he has assumed the highest responsibility regarding the senior management of Operations, Organizations and Technology in some finance companies – Banca Cívica and Cajasol -; of Engineering and Projects in three telecommunications operators – Ono, Auna and Amena -; and he has been the Corporative Network´s Manager in the Telindus engineering and consultant with Acenture.


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